Friday, July 25, 2008

..::July 24, 2008::..

Addiction could have many meanings, but which one would label mine? I am addicted to getting affection and attention from the opposite sex. Why is it my addiction? I do get it from my b/f but then my boo, also gives it to me. Maybe it is because he gives it to me when I can't receive it from my b/f. All of this just have me wondering. I don't want to continue on.

..::Vogue Princess::..

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

..::July 23, 2008::..

Why is it that once you get something you want something else? Is it because it is better than the other or just supplying you with what you need temporarily? Is that why at times those who are in serious relationships go and mess around (also known as cheating). I personally know that is the reason I do what I do. See I am in a serious relationship for about 9 months now. I am really in love with the guy I am with but sometimes I feel like he is forcing himself to be with me or even doesn't appreciate the type of person I am. Why is that? If he is supposedly loved me, I shouldn't feel this way. So anyways, back on topic.... I am messing around with another guy. He's funny, outgoing, and he always have me smiling. The things that I am getting from him that I am not getting from my boyfriend is attention. Not only just attention but also a good time. Like I can talk to him and don't have to worry about whether or not I am hurting his feelings. I don't want to give up my boyfriend, its just I want to have fun. If I knew that being with my b/f would be so stressful and I would have to continuously be on my toes, I would've waited until he was ready. Oh man I swear, at times I feel bad that I am with another person but then I think about how I don't deserve to be pushed to the side and feel the way I feel. Let this be a lesson to all. So until next time.... XOXO

..::Vogue Princess::..